Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Perfect Weapon

Every people on the earth, within their own group, know how to mistreat each other, worse than anyone outside their group. 

Only those members within the group have the inside knowledge on how to mistreat another member, what skills to use, with a venomous hurtful sting that is unlike anything others outside the group can do. Only those within the group, the race, the religion/belief can hurt another unlike anyone outside the group.  They know what to say to hurt each other. They know what to do that will tear another down and cause harm. 

Examples of the weapons that we use against each other, or allow to be used against us are Corner stores and drive  thrus that sell nicotine and alcoholic Utes. Drugs are brought into poor communities. Sex is is the biggest weapon we use against each other. The pointless abundance of churches in every corner. The dilapidated homes. Both parents working. And children made to stay at home, or run the streets, alone. 

The perfect weapon is one that implodes, or implodes from within. A black hole. It's a cancer, designed to kill the body from within. 

When I see a group, community, city state, country failing as a whole, and fighting from within, I think of the perfect weapon. 

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