Monday, January 21, 2013

Field of Independence

I am told many times that I am the very definition of the "Independent Black Woman". That brings up a painting I once saw, as a child, of a tired looking black woman, sitting alone, in a big field with a plow. I guess she was resting, but not for long. Was she independent, plowing alone?

Its a long line of circumstances, many broken promises, that have forced many on a path where they have mostly walked alone. If you grew up in the late 70's-early 80's you learned extremism. Your parents had parents that were from the time of the Great Depression. Its was very rare for many to see a married black couple (younger than their grandparents) as a child. There were a few, here and there, and maybe only one, if you lived in that experiment called "The Projects". Your parent may have worked hard to obtain a college education, may have been highly intelligent. In your child's mind you think your mother knew everything. But as you become older, you see that she worked for others who (I felt) could never match her wisdom, intelligence, and hard work.

Children may wonder, to the point of getting angry, (especially at office gatherings) "why isn't she the boss?? Why do we have to live in the projects if she is smarter than all these people??". But, is this just a tiny part of the whole formula that has brought us to where most of us in America are today?? I don't know.

My mother was very beautiful. Its not because we thought so, but she turned a lot of heads. Men would ask me where my daddy was, to try to get to her. But, she was independent. The independent black women raised from the 50s-60s. She plowed her field alone. She sits a little, alone, to rest, but soon she will get back up to work, hard, as its what she's put on herself. What she has tried to put into her daughters. Work hard because you must not depend on anyone for anything you need or desire.

We are constantly bombarded with images of women plowing through life, single, as if it is the ultimate goal or desire of every black woman. How many current female black artists are married? How many are independent black women? How many videos are on the web promoting a sexuality that is the opposite of what's require for procreation as set up by Allah/God? How many tv/movies stars are same sex, showing off their new baby? Independence. Is everyone, now independent from each other?

I know there's no harm meant when one is called an Independent Black Woman, but are we meant to be totally independent from each other? Was the Experimental Project a success?