Friday, January 18, 2013

It can be done without surgery

So many people are into getting weight loss surgery. (Then do nothing to keep it off other than get their band filled) I weighed almost 300 lbs and at 45 I decided to change my life. I'm still trying to lose at least 40 more pounds, but I am living proof it can done, with willpower, and determination. Also, with surgery you have that turkey gobble thing on your arms that moves when you do or in the wind. When you do it yourself, your arms look great. I also had to drop friends who try to sabotage my success. (And I do have a weakness for snicker doodles and chocolate. I don't buy chocolate for my home, and I found a great reduced calorie recipe for the cookies!)

This was me at 45 (I had to blur details) and me again at 47. I turned 48 last November. 40 more pounds and I will post another picture. Goal is by August.