I wrote a homemade will. But I wonder if I should write something better. If I should write something better than the homemade will I wrote. I try to treat everyone with kindness, but now I see better. The world is not a kind place at all.
It's not only weapons that are harmful, but the words and actions of others are just as harmful.
I see the disrespect I didn't see before that children do to parents; children who won't visit without the promises of money; or children who tell their parent that they don't visit because they live too far.
I see how some think they are taking advantage of others when in fact all they are doing is throwing future shade on themselves, or their progeny; I see major wasted time on teenagers who are having sex for pure enjoyment who end up not actually knowing or even liking each other, yet bonded together forever because new life. And more wasted time because two unsure people are interested in each other and because someone got hurt, maybe both, each one is afraid to speak to the other.
I see beauty lost because ugly buildings are permitted to stand as if the owners are holding the cities hostage. If the owners can't fix the houses/property/eye sore within a certain time frame, tear it down and send the bill to the owner. If the owner doesn't pay, auction the bill. If no one pays, then the city can do whatever they want. Why should the city go downhill for years because of a deadbeat property owner?! There are programs that help those that have no money. If the own has needs help then the city can forward them pamphlets, etc. but to go 20 years is ridiculous.
The world will never be a better place until we decide we become better people.
I know everyone talks about me because I slur my speech at times etc, but I see something nice about everyone, no matter how horrible they are to me.
How about you?
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